Allen Lockhart – Founder/President

Allen Lockhart has worked with at-risk youth and families for over 20 years as a mental health therapist and an educator. He has worked at several adolescence treatment programs, behavioral programs, public schools and alternative schools. Allen has provided intervention and prevention groups and seminars for students on anger and aggression, conflict resolution, substance abuse, leadership, and violence and bullying. In addition, Allen is experienced in providing trainings and workshops in correction centers and juvenile justice programs. Allen holds a Ph.D. in Leadership and Education Administration, Education Specialist Degree in Education Leadership, and an M.Ed. In Curriculum and Instruction. Also is the author of three published books:

Stand Tall Against Negativity and Destruction

Secret Pain

Daddy! Do You Care If I Perish?

Gloria Lockhart – Executive Director

Gloria fell in love with nonprofits many years ago. Inspired at Junior Achievement training in Orlando, FL, Gloria quickly developed a deep passion for charitable work. Now living in Texas, Gloria joined the Parent Teacher Student Association of Texas (PTA) as an Executive Board member for more than 7 years. Gloria actively supports students, parents, and the community. Recently Gloria joined her hubby (Dr. Allen Lockhart) in the creation of Stand Tall Inc, a Texas nonprofit 501 (c) (3) organization whose mission is to educate, encourage, and enhance communities through tutoring, male mentorship, Dad’s Forum, and community activities. As the Executive Director Gloria intends to actively use her time, talent, and what she learned from Junior Achievement and PTA to intentionally live out the mission of Stand Tall Inc.

Joshua Lockhart – Executive Administrator

Joshua is the primary developer of the website for Stand Tall Inc. He has at least 3 years of experience in information technology. In addition, Joshua is a graduate of Texas A&M with a focus in Engineering and a minor in Business Administration.